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Chief Strategy Officer & Interim CFO
Michael Burdick founded Paro in 2015 after cutting his teeth at Deloitte as a consultant and seeing the opportunity to transform financial services at every level. As Chief Strategy Officer, Michael focuses on amplifying Paro’s vision to empower professionals to do what they love and give businesses of all sizes the flexibility to leverage financial expertise from a deep pool of top-tier nationwide talent. Michael holds an MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and a bachelor’s degree from Duke.
01 May 2024 14:00 - 14:30
Panel | Who Is the Modern CFO? A Changing Role in the Era of AI
Learn how intelligent technologies, including AI, are reshaping the CFO role, moving beyond compliance to strategic business advisory. Attendees will gain insights from the latest Paro Future of Finance Survey, revealing the growing importance of strategic vision in a modern CFO; delve into the critical skills defining the modern CFO; and hear how today’s CFOs are meeting the evolving needs of future-focused companies.

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